Aim & Conquer Meditative Discourse: Waking Up to Beauty

Note: The following is a transcript of a meditative discourse, with headings ... strategies ... added after the fact.
Be Purposeful about How You Wake Up
Every morning, when you wake up, first, choose ... which side of the bed are you gonna wake up on? How is your body positioned while it wakes up? Start to examine how you go about waking up. And make this process of waking up so intentional that you are looking at all the areas that carry tension within you. You are careful, filled with care as you wake up, looking at how you place your feet, looking at how you carry your weight. What is your thought? What is the energy with which you are waking up to the world, to yourself, to your family, to your friends, to your colleagues?
Wake Up by Perceiving the Beauty
When you arrive, did you arrive as someone awakened, someone who has woken up? And when you are honest with this feeling and this sensation, you will recognize that you are awake when you can recognize that which is good, true, and beautiful properly in your life. This way, you understand what has long been considered to be sacred. There is a goodness to your life and to the good that you bring to others through your presence. There is a beauty to you and a beauty in others. The expression that you have is true, even if it is painful. And it is through that pain that you are learning and examining what needs to transform so that you can become better, so that you can sleep well at night and, next day, wake up a little bit more aligned with that which is true, good, and beautiful in you, in life, in others.
Find Energy in Waking Up with the Intention to Support Others Well
This process of constant self-correction, of knowing that, when you sleep at night, you want to pay attention to your dreams, you want to pay attention to the way you lived the day before ... and when you wake up, you want to wake up with the intention that, “Today, I will be more aligned with ease. I will be more aligned with this sense of enjoyment ... that when I show up to others, I will present myself in a manner that empowers them, that recognizes that which is true about them, that they are good, and I can see that which is good in them, and I can tell them as truthfully as I possibly can express myself, that, yes, I see you, you are good, I acknowledge you.” That is good to be true in that way.
Generate Strength by Being Present with Beauty
And when I recognize beauty in such a manner that I am humbled before it, then I allow myself to be present with it, to not want anything or need anything or desire something, but to simply appreciate beauty, the presence that gives aliveness to existence. You feel strengthened just being in presence with beauty. It is beautiful to live in this manner, where you are in the flow, and as your breath flows, you start to feel that this process of breathing and being alive is beautiful, that there is a dance, a rhythm, a grace that is present as you live your day. You are choosing to find some excellence in how you express yourself throughout the day. And this is the aspect of living awake.
Become a Good Partner by Transforming More Willingly
You feel that life is meant to be enjoyed in its full spectrum, learning from every aspect, every experience. You are discovering what within you needs to change, what within you needs to transform, so that you can be a better representation of who you are. You can actually become free of your identity and transform more willingly, in a more supportive manner, in a manner that adds value to the lives of others. Then, you are the right kind of partner. You are the right kind of friend. You are the right kind of colleague. You understand what it means to be supportive to yourself and to others. Your presence matters. How you show up, how you present yourself to yourself, the first thing you do in the morning ... that matters. Have the right picture, the right intention, and learn to use your energy the right way. Feel freedom.
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